Noni Bruyere
Art Works
Creating a Positive Client Experience, Always
Ultimately, it is all about the service you give your clients, the service you give your customers.
What will sustain your business and build it to obtain great results, is referrals.
Create such a great experience, give great service, and your clients will not only come back to you, they will also refer you.
There are 3 things you need to always do to achieve success with your clients:
Be on time. It demonstrates that you are respectful of your clients timeframe, and exhibits your energy and commitment
Complete what you promise
If you tell your clients that you will do something, then you had better do it, always. Simple as that.
Say thank you. I know, it is so basic, but, always show gratitude and let your client know you are thankful for their business. Undertand that your client could have gone to another hotel, used another real estate agent, a different bank.
With these 3 simple steps, you will build loyalty, grow your clients and have a successful business.
Why should these 3 tips be the key to client referral success? These steps show appreciation, your values, and demonstrate dedication to the client.
Not only will your clients refer you, they will also want to see you succeed.
Noni Bruyere
VP, Marketing and Sales
Passion for client service